Wire Supplier Selection
RetuRO launches a competitive selection procedure for the choice of wire supplier for tying bales RetuRO SGR

Release: 07 March 2025
Period of questions and clarifications: 07.03 - 28.03.2025
Deadline for submission of tenders: 31.03.2025
Analysis of offers: 01.04 - 15.04.2025
Communication of results: 25.04.2025

How do you participate?
1. Download the documentation: EN_file.xsl
2. Fill in the required forms (xsl.) with all the required information.
3. Send the completed documents to the achizitii@returosgr.ro email address by 31.03.2025
Do you have any questions? Send them to the email address achizitii@returosgr.ro between 07.03 - 28.03.2025.
Thank you for your interest and involvement in providing sustainable solutions for RetuRO.